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1854-62, Laws of New Zealand
The Laws of New Zealand, 1854–62: 5 volumes, var. pag., n.t.p. n.p., n.d. (A possibly uniquely-bound compilation of reprinted parliamentary papers
and laws, N.Z. & Gr. Br., passed between 1854–62; functionally equivalent to a “Laws in Force, 1862.” The reprinted materials are arranged in a rough
subject order. Vol. I–IV are provided with inked-in pagination and inked Tables of Contents. Vol. V {which lacks inked-in pagination, but contains a
short Table of Contents) is devoted to maritime and customs matters, and is in large part comprised of reprints of the British Merchant Shipping Act,
1854 {17/18 Vict., c. 104} and Passenger Act, 1855 {18/19 Vict., c. 119}, and the N.Z. acts adopting them. Vol. 1 is prefaced {pp. 1–7} by the printed
Royal Commission and Instructions preceding the second governorship of Sir George Grey, {gubernatorial terms 1845–52 & 1861-67; primier, 1877–79}. It
also contains {pp. 395–402} a selection of dispatches and correspondence relating to the New Provinces Act, 1858.)
Title:   [A collection of acts and amendments, with some parliamentary and official papers of (or relating to) the Colony of New Zealand, made up from original official prints and from the New Zealand Gazette, bound in rough subject-chronological series / possibly prepared by or for Sir George Grey, Governor of New Zealand (1861-1867) whose printed commission and royal instructions (1861) preface the collection].
OCLC Number:   706497185
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesNo
Volume 2YesNo
Volume 3YesNo
Volume 4YesNo
Volume 5YesNo