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2008, Constitution of the Republic of Maldives
Functional Translation of the Constitution of the Republic of Maldives 2008. Done by Ms. Dheena Hussain (Barrister-at-Law) at the request of Ministry
of Legal Reform, Information and Arts. xi + 114 p. Contents of this English-language document include a table of contents, listing 301 sections in 14
Chapters; the full text of the Constitution, with three Schedules.
Title:   Functional translation of the Constitution of the Republic of Maldives, 2008 / done by Ms. Dheena Hussain, LLC. (Hons), (Birmingham), LLM. (London), barrister-at-law (Lincoln's Inn) ; at the request of Minsitry of Legal Reform, Information and Arts.
OCLC Number:   262866594
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