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Sabatini, American Indian Law, 1973-75
American Indian Law: A Bibliography of Books, Law Review Articles and Indian Periodicals. Compiled by Joseph D. Sabatini. Published by American
Indian Law Center, School of Law, the University of New Mexico (January 1973). 40 + 16 p. Contents include the preface; sections containing the catalog
records of books in the library, arranged by category (pp. 7-23); and a listing of articles from law review, arranged by topic (pp. 23-38), with a list
of periodicals appropriate to a law library. After p. 40, this document includes a separate bibliography of books, law review articles and periodicals
(selected additions, February 1975), 17 p.
Title:   American Indian law : a bibliography of books, law review articles, and Indian periodicals / compiled by Joseph D. Sabatini, Assistant Librarian, School of Law Library.
OCLC Number:   830870606
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