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1821, Report of the Trial by Impeachment of James Prescott, Esquire
Report of the Trial by Impeachment of James Prescott, Esquire, Judge of the Probate of Wills, etc. for the County of Middlesex, for Misconduct and
Maladministration in Office, before the Senate of Massachusetts, in the year 1821, with an Appendix, containing an account of former impeachments in the
same state, by Octavius Pickering and William Howard Gardiner. Published by The Daily Advertiser (Boston 1821). 225 p. This publication includes the
transcript of proceedings, the appendix, and an index of topics and names.
Title:   Report of the trial by impeachment of James Prescott, Esquire, judge of the probate of wills, &c. for the County of Middlesex, for misconduct and maladministration in office : before the Senate of Massachusetts in the year 1821, with an appendix, containing an account of former impeachments in the same state / by Octavius Pickering and William Howard Gardiner, of the Suffolk Bar.
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Vol. 1YesYes