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1861, Joint resolutions of the Illinois State Legislature to appoint commissioners ... [Maine doc.]
SEE ALSO 56230 Fortieth Legislature. Senate. No. 16. On February 23, 1861, the Governor sent over resolutions from the Illinois Legislature. The
Illinois Legislature asked its Governor to appoint commissioners to the Peace Convention proposed by Virginia. The Legislature was not willing to
back a constitutional amendment, but they were willing to discuss the issues. Should the Convention decide an amendment was necessary, Illinois
expected the usual process to be followed. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Maine Historical Society Library, the Maine
State Library, and the Library of Congress).
Title:   I herewith transmit joint resolutions of the Illinois State Legislature, requesting the governor of that state to appoint commissioners to the convention now in session at Washington, upon the invitation of the state of Virginia.
OCLC Number:   1422529879
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