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Description and Holding Information
1893-1894, Prov. Gov. Exec. Council Minutes
Minutes of the Executive Council of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Ialands, 1893-94: manuscript, all in English, in two volumes, each
with its own index, all published. (V. 1, covering 06/06/1893-03/26/1894, ca. 225p. & V. 2, covering 03/27-07/02/1894, ca. 100p. The documents from which
this title was scanned are held by the Hawaii State Archives as Record Series 423, v. 1 & 2.)
Title:   Records / Executive Council, Provisional Government, Hawaiian Islands.
OCLC Number:   223425193
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
June 6, 1893 to March 26, 1894YesNo
Jan 20, 1893 to Feb 1, 1893, Executive Council Letter Book - TypedYesNo
1893, Typed/ManuscriptYesNo
1893-94, IndexYesNo