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Senate. Act to make valid acts … in voting and making provision for the payment of bounties to volunteers … 1865
SEE ALSO 56447, 56458 Forty-fourth Legislature. Senate. No. 11. An Act to make valid the acts and doings of cities, towns, and plantations in
voting and making provisions for the payment of bounties to volunteers, drafted and enrolled men, and for other purposes, 1865. [As amended] The past
acts of various jurisdictions to provide bounties to various servicemen were valid. Contracts and taxes to pay for the bounties were valid. Section
six gave directions for who could be paid under what conditions, with no payment more than $300 for the first year and $100 for additional years.
Section seven gave directions for selling bonds to raise the money. Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Maine Historical
Society Library, the Maine State Library, and the Library of Congress).
Title:   An act to make valid the acts and doings of cities, towns and plantations, in voting and making provision for the payment of bounties to volunteers, drafted men, and substitutes of drafted and enrolled men, and for other purposes. : [As amended.].
OCLC Number:   1429604917
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