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House. Comm. on Contested Elections. Case of A. Roberts, 1830
1830 Majority and minority report of the House Committee on Contested Elections regarding the case of Andrew Roberts, who claimed a seat as
representative from the town of Waterborough. After review, the majority found the election was not in conformity and thus Roberts was not entitled to a seat;
the minority disagreed. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Maine State Library (c.1) and the Maine Historical Society
Library (c.2)).
Title:   Report of the Committee of Elections, and statement of the minority of said committee, in the case of Andrew Roberts, claiming to hold a seat in the House of Representatives, as a member from the town of Waterborough.
OCLC Number:   794355814
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1, c.2YesNo