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Eardley-Wilmot, Abridged Commentaries, 1822
on the laws of England, in a series of letters to his daughter, chiefly intended for the use and advancement of female education ...: by a barrister
at law, viii+304p, London, pr. for John Hatchard and Son, 1822. (This anonymous first edition, compiled by Sir John Eardley Eardley-Wilmot, contains
thirty letters addressed to My dear E—. On p. 3 he states: I intend to send you, in a series of letters, so much of the Commentaries ... as I think are
adapted to your under-standing, as well as necessary to be known by every gentlewoman.)
Title:   An abridgment of Blackstone's commentaries on the laws of England : in a series of letters from a father to his daughter : chiefly intended for the use and advancement of female education / by a barrister at law.
OCLC Number:   61119688
Original LLMC Number  82800
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