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Thompson, United States as a Nation, 1877
The United States as a Nation. Lectures on the Centennial of American Independence, given at Berlin, Dresden, Florence, Paris, and London, by Joseph
P. Thompson. Published by James R. Osgood and Co. (Boston 1877). 323+xxvii p. Contents: Preliminary material, including a statement How This Book Grew
and two speeches given by the author in London on July 4, 1876; Lecture I, Grounds and Motives of the American Revolution; Lecture II, Doctrines of
the Declaration of Independence; Lecture III, The Adoption of the Constitution; Lecture IV, The Nation Tested by the Vicissitudes of a Century; Lecture
V, The Nation Judged by Its Self-Development and Its Benefits of Mankind; Lecture VI, The Perils, Duties and Hopes of the Opening Century; and an
Title:   The United States as a nation : lectures on the centennial of American independence given at Berlin, Dresden, Florence, Paris, and London / by Joseph P. Thompson, D.D., LL. D.
OCLC Number:   563126100
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