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Bradford, Unity & Dignity of Law, address at Col. Col. L.S., 1862
An address to the graduates of the Law School of Columbia College, delivered by Alexander W. Bradford, LL.D., and published at the request of the
Board of Trustees: n.a., 39 p., NY, (W.C. Bryant & Co., Printers), 1862. (Subjects: Unity and dignity of the law, legal development.)
Title:   An address to the graduates of the Law School of Columbia College / delivered by Alexander W. Bradford, Ll. D., and published at the request of the Board of Trustees.
OCLC Number:   667936046
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesYes
4th Assembly, 2nd meeting (1781 Jan. 2-Mar. 31)YesNo