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Rational Basis of Legal Institutions, 1923
Rational Basis of Legal Institutions: various authors, with an editorial preface by John H. Wignore and Albert Kocourek, and an intro. by Oliver W.
Holmes, xxvii+603p, NY, Macmillan, 1923. (This work is part of the “Modern Legal Philosophy Series”. Among the authors exerpted in this work are:
Jeremy Bentham, Helen Bosanquet, Francis H. Bradley, W. Jethro Brown, Ernest W. Burgess, Richard C. Cabot, Edwin Cannan, William E. Carson, Thomas N.
Carver, Joseph Charmont, John Dewey, Leon Duguit, Arthur C. Hall, Havelock Ellis, Charles A. Ellwood, Richard T. Ely, Georg W.F. Hegel, L.T. Hobhouse, J.A.
Hobson, Henry S. Holland, George Elliott Howard, Edmond Kelly, John Fiske, Emile de Laveleye, William E.H. Lecky, A.D. Lindsay, John Locke, Arthur O.
Lovejoy, Orin K. McMurray, John M. Mecklin, John Stuart Mill, Paul E. More, Robert E. Park, Elsie Clews Parsons, Roscoe Pound, Hastings Rashdall,
John A. Ryan, Frank C. Sharp, Henry Sidgwick, Albion W. Small, Herbert Spencer, R.H. Tawney, James H. Tufts, Thorstein Veblen, Ludwig von Bar, Lester F.
Ward, H.G. Wells, Westel W. Willoughby, and William K. Wright.)
Title:   Rational basis of legal institutions / by various authors ; with an editorial preface by John H. Wigmore and Albert Kocourek and an introduction by Oliver Wendell Holmes.
OCLC Number:   60738105
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