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1954, Fed. Rho./Ny., Mozambique Border Agmt. (A)
Agreement between the between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Briain and Northern Ireland acting on their own behalf and on behalf of
the Government of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and the Government of Portugal regarding the Nyasaland-Mozambique Frontier; Together with
exchange of notes; Lisbon, November 18, 1954: n.a., 10p, Cmd 9446, Portugal No. 2 (1955), London, HMSO, Apr. 1955. (This is a preliminary publication of
the raw agreement, which had not yet been ratified. The text is in English and Portuguese.)
Title:   Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, acting on their own behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and the Government of Portugal regarding the Nyasaland-Mozambique frontier (together with exchange of notes) : Lisbon, November 18, 1954 / presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to parliament by command of Her Majesty, April 1955.
OCLC Number:   767866243
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