As you know, MARC21 records are available from OCLC for all LLMC Digital titles.  For OCLC members these bibliographic records are FREE OF CHARGE. However, some of you have found it difficult to acquire this information from OCLC's KnowledgeBase service and load it into your OPAC.  Therefore, working with OCLC, LLMC is pleased to announce an easier to use “Quick Reference Guide”.  You can find generic instructions on the OCLC site here or use the guide customized for LLMC Digital which may be found here.  For future reference, this document can be found on the LLMC Digital website under the ‘Help’ tab when you select ‘FAQ’.  LLMC would like to thank our volunteer member law libraries at Fordham, Wake Forest, South Texas and Michigan State for assisting in refining several iterations of these instructions.

If you have any questions, please contact OCLC Users support at: 1-800-848-5800.  Ask for KnowledgeBase Collections.

If you have any questions concerning this service and OCLC is unable to help, contact Richard Amelung at Saint Louis University Law Library by phone at 314-977-2743 or by email (

Quick Reference Guide