Mexican Statutes from 1687 to 1908!


1687-1902, Legislacion Mexicana 34v.

Legislación Mexicana ó colección complete de las disposiciones legislativas expedidas desde la independencia de la república. Edición Oficial 34v.,México, Imprenta del Comercio, 1876—1904. (Chronological Index and Alphabetic Index at end of each volume.)


1821-1828 Ordenes y Decretos, 4v.
Colección de órdenes y decretos de la soberana junta provisional gubernativa, y soberanos congreso generales de la nación mexicana, 4v., México, Imprenta de Galvan, 1829. (v. 1-3, 2nd ed.)

1898-1908, Legislación federal, 11v
Anales de la legislación federal, Edición de al “Guia Practica de Derecho”, 11v., México, Imprenta de Eduardo Dublán, 1898—1908. (Chronological Index at the end of each volume)

Plus the 1910 Compendium in English:

Wheless, Compendium of the Laws of Mexico, 1910
Compendium of the laws of Mexico; Officially authorized by the Mexican Government; Containing the Federal Constitution, with all amendments, and a thorough abridgment of all the codes and special laws of importance to foreigners concerned with business in the Republic; All accurately translated into English; An extensive collection of forms both in Spanish and English; And a minute index of all matter contained in the text: by Joseph Wheless,
Vol. 1-2, St. Louis, Thomas Law Book Co., 1910.

The collection of laws for the Spanish Colonies is in the pipeline: 

1512-1680, Recopilación de leyes de los Reynos de las Indias, 1791, 3v.